A review by jg1987
Better Than People by Roan Parrish


4 stars

Well that was just lovely.

In case it wasn’t obvious, I really liked [b:Better Than People|53410243|Better Than People (Garnet Run, #1)|Roan Parrish|https://i.gr-assets.com/images/S/compressed.photo.goodreads.com/books/1590133120l/53410243._SX50_.jpg|77716051]. [a:Roan Parrish|14070842|Roan Parrish|https://images.gr-assets.com/authors/1592486118p2/14070842.jpg] is just a really solid author who time and time again writes books with characters that feel genuine and are honest about their perceived flaws. It creates this level of intimacy with the characters that I appreciate so much and adds real depth to them as well. This normally results in MCs that are sweet and caring towards one another and just hit me right in the ovaries and melt my insides. I absolutely loved Simon. I can certainly relate to some social anxiety, even if not to the level he experiences. And it was really interesting reading about how he tries to reason his way out of his fears, even if he was mostly unsuccessful. He's a sweet and shy guy just begging to have someone look past his quirks, and that is just what Jack does. He was so supportive of Simon and tried his best to make him feel respected and cared for, without being patronizing; and while he was not always totally successful, his efforts really came through as genuine. I thought the MCs had great chemistry and as usual with this author, the intimate scenes are particularly hot. This book was just as good as I expected and I can't wait to read more.