A review by angie_stl
Destined for an Early Grave by Jeaniene Frost


Definitely not my favorite of the series, but how could it be when there's a realistic competitor for Cat's affection, even for a moment? But Cat showed him what she really thought of him in the end now didn't she? *snort* I still loved the book because it's a Cat and Bones book, and it rates higher than the last book that had so many so very sad spots, whereas this one had fits of anger. I'd always rather read anger than sadness!! If I liked sadness, I'd just switch back and forth between watching Beaches and Steel Magnolias and movies like them. No thank you!! I'm trying to decide if I should continue with the next book or wait a little bit, so that I finish the current published books sooner to when the final Cat and Bones book is released at the end of January. (Talk about a sad subject!!) Oh and for those interested, Ms Frost as released a little info about her new series, though I'm guessing at least the Night Prince series isn't done, unless it gets tied up with Cat and Bones' last book, which I hope not, I really do love her Vlad Tepesh!!!