A review by kimmypete1
Broken Open by Lauren Dane


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What I Thought...

• I have a weakness for contemporary romances featuring families. I love the family elements and seeing my favorite characters grow and change as each book comes out. Broken Open is the second book in The Hurley Boys series and I couldn't love this family more.

• This was a bit of a different read for me, I don't do a lot of rock star romances, but this one was really good.

• I loved Ezra and Tuesday. They were a good match for each other and could help each other work through the pain that they had. In Tuesday's case it was her late husband and his crazy family, in Ezra's case his former addiction.

• I can't remember if I've read a book where a character was a recovering drug addict (so I suppose it's safe to say I haven't) and I though Dane handled it really well. Ezra still thought about his former addictions, but wasn't even close to relapsing. His story about how he finally got into rehab broke my heart.

• As an interracial couple Tuesday and Ezra have more to deal with than the average couple. I liked how Dane worked that into the story without it overwhelming the story. Also it sucks that people are asshats.

Overall I enjoyed Ezra and Tuesday's story, but I am super excited to read Back to You which is about Vaughan and Kelly rekindling their relationship.