A review by emiwan_kenobi
Death of Wolverine: The Logan Legacy by Charles Soule, Ariela Kristantina, Tim Seeley, Oliver Nome


I was so looking forward to this arc, as Wolverine is one of my all time favorites.

But honestly? This has got to be one of the worst "Death of (Insert Hero Here)" that I've read, short of maybe Death of Superman. It was rushed, clumsy, and even a little confusing (in spite of the fact that I've read all 24 Wolverine issues that led up to it over the past year and however long and should therefore have all the background needed to understand exactly what's going on). The Logan in issue #1 didn't at all match with the Logan we saw at the end of Wolverine #12, the issue leading up to the DoW 4-part series.

The writers said that this would be a great tribute to Logan and a great way to say goodbye to a favorite, but really it just left me underwhelmed and a little bit upset over the way the whole thing was just so poorly handled.

Thank god no one stays dead in comics, because if this was the last time I was to see Logan in normal comics continuity I would be seriously ticked off.