A review by winterscomin
Enchanter by Sara Douglass


3.5 stars.

There were so many mixed feelings through this book! On one hand, more world exploration, more about the magic system, more mystery and battles and all the things I enjoyed from the first book.

On the other hand WHAT THE HELL AXIS. This guy is just really pissing me off at almost every moment. I'm somewhat surprised this is written by a female author, because the female characters in this book are treated like absolute trash. The 'love triangle' (if that's what one must call it) is an absolute mess and full of cringe. Often in ways one wouldn't expect. I've never been a huge fan of the romance parts of this style of fantasy anyway I suppose.

THOSE ENDING TWISTS THOUGH. Yup, so the prophecy kind of spells out a lot. Perhaps a bit too much. But then woosh a few sudden reveals happen out of almost nowhere towards the end of this book, and they somehow made up for a bunch of the mess mentioned above.

Will definitely have to complete the trilogy soon and see how it all plays out. So much of the prophecy has now seemingly been revealed that there must actually be some more surprises left for the third one! I sure hope so.