A review by hyperashley
House of Echoes by Brendan Duffy


Wow...this book is something else. It had my heart racing at times, trying to figure out what the heck was going on with this house and village. This is the first book Brendan Duffy has written and I am already a fan. I was really drawn into this story from the beginning, it scared me, grossed me out, creeped me out and I loved every second of it.

Ben and Caroline move into an old house called The Croft with the intention of turning it into an Inn. With their two young boys, Charlie and Robert they move from Manhattan to the tiny village of Swannhaven. The woods are creepy and so is the house but they move in to make it their new home. Charlie starts exploring the woods alone finding out some of the mysteries that surround their land. Ben tries to find out about his heritage and write his next best seller and Caroline is trying to fix up the house and keep everything together. They soon find out that Swannhaven is not a haven at all but will they be able to get out before someone gets hurt?

My gosh there is so much that can be said about this book. First of all there were so many secrets, Ben would find things and not tell Caroline. Then Caroline would find something and not tell Ben and Charlie was keeping more secrets than all of them. At first I thought it was stupid that Ben was keeping so many secrets from his wife but now I realize that it was for the best. I know I wouldn't have wanted to know that there was a deer head on out doorstep, I would have wanted to move right there.

Charlie seemed smart for his age and stupid at the same time. He was also beyond brave, I know I wouldn't have continued going back in the woods after I kept seeing dead animals nails to trees. I think he should have told his parents what was going on in the woods but then JoJo may not have helped them at the end. JoJo was really nice once you got passed all the dead animals.

The Villagers were out of their minds with their old style of thinking. Who would kill a kid just so their crops will be good? Who could honestly do that and be able to sleep at night? Crazy people. I was holding my breath at the end their hoping they could get away before it was too late.

I hope Brendan Duffy continues to write because I want to read more.