A review by cj_mo_2222
Damaged by Lisa Scottoline


I have been a fan of Lisa Scottoline’s Rosato and DiNunzio novels for years and was thrilled when the author recently started writing new books in this wonderful series. The newer books have been even better because they show how much the main characters Bennie, Mary, and Judy have grown since some of the first books.

“Damaged” features Mary DiNunzio who is my favorite of all the characters in this series. She is intelligent, soft-hearted, and kind to everyone, but still a fierce opponent in the courtroom. Her wedding is right around the corner and she has many last minute details to see through, but work is getting in the way. Mary has become personally involved in her latest case in which she is helping a special needs boy named Patrick O’Brien get the services he needs to be able to succeed in school. Things become more and more complicated, and Mary has nothing but her client’s best interests at heart, but her good intentions could be putting her relationship with Anthony and even her life in danger.

There is a mystery element at the center of the book, but the story also gives and enlightening look at special education laws and those who fight to make sure special needs children are receiving the best possible education for their individual circumstances. There are many tense moments in the book as things begin to spiral out of control and the situation looks more and more bleak for Patrick. At times, I wasn’t sure what direction the story would take and I couldn’t read fast enough to find out what would happen next! Mary shows what it means to do what’s right and stand by your values, even in the face of doubt and opposition. I love seeing Mary’s friends and family support her in the important decision she makes. Mary’s friendship with Judy is a great part of this series, so it was a little disappointing that there weren’t more scenes with the two of them together. However, it was nice to see Mary form a special connection with John, a new associate at the firm and someone Mary had previously dismissed as self-centered and shallow. The book is both heartbreaking and heartwarming at the same time and I recommend the book for fans of the series and to new readers looking for an intelligent and touching story.

I received this book from NetGalley, through the courtesy of St. Martin’s Press. The book was provided to me in exchange for an honest review.