A review by crookedtreehouse
Strange Adventures by Tom King


By far, one of the best books DC has put out in ages. But that's a pretty low bar in 2023.

Tom King books are always a wonderful, devoted nod to past continuity while staying just outside the current messes. Here, Adam Strange is regarded as a war hero on Raan, but when a major threat to Raan's existence shows interest in conquering Earth, his actions in the Rannian war come into question, and Batman and Mr. Terrific have to puzzle together the truth behind what happened on Rann.

This was my favorite use of Mr. Terrific, and makes me want to go back and read more of his history.

There were some slight annoyances, the ending was oddly paced an unsatisfying, and it seemed like the "pew pew" laser effects were overused. I'm not sure they were. I think ifthe effect had been anything else, it wouldn't have been as noticeable, but every time I saw "pew", I cringed a bit.

If you're a fan of Adam Strange, or the silver agey sci-fi space comics, Tom King's work on [b:The Vision|35838422|The Vision (The Vision, #1-2)|Tom King|https://i.gr-assets.com/images/S/compressed.photo.goodreads.com/books/1517387406l/35838422._SY75_.jpg|57347085], [b:Mister Miracle|39208001|Mister Miracle|Tom King|https://i.gr-assets.com/images/S/compressed.photo.goodreads.com/books/1548140055l/39208001._SY75_.jpg|57475638], or [b:The Omega Men: The End is Here|25790655|The Omega Men The End is Here|Tom King|https://i.gr-assets.com/images/S/compressed.photo.goodreads.com/books/1470552239l/25790655._SY75_.jpg|45641527], then this is probably going to be a four or five star book for you.