A review by askatknits
The Cellist by Daniel Silva


This latest book in the Allon series strikes very hard at some very current real life issues... outside influences on politics. The suggestions to solve this problem that Silva makes via Allon's Office Team are something to ponder and while many, many, many Allon fans absolutely did not like this book at all... I did. I found it to be very relevant and thought provoking.

Aside from that, we see Gabriel making his exit from The Office and beginning a new chapter in his life... perhaps? I found the time gaps a bit off-putting, but I understand that editing sometimes makes for a somewhat jagged story. I think that while Allon was an excellent leader... trained very well by his mentor Ari Sharon, he really loved the field work best. And what he loves even better than that is turning on an opera and settling in to begin to repair a masterpiece in need of some TLC. So... is retirement in Gabriel's future? Will he be happy wandering the streets of Venice with Chiara and the children? Inquiring minds want to know...

I am eagerly awaiting the next novel in this series.