A review by kidisitor
Going Down on One Knee by Christina Hovland


This book had a cuteness about it. Not sure if that was intended or not, but all the same, it was. The Heroine is a bit uptight and straight laced. It's not so much that she's a goodie two shoes, but she doesn't allow herself to really let loose and have fun. She has a five-year plan and a dating spreadsheet that rates the men she dates. The Hero is the bad boy type who has longish hair, tattoos, rides a motorcycle and manages a rock band. He's not one to settle down and stay in one place for long. Though he's supposed to be all bada$$, he doesn't really give that vibe. While on a break from the band, he agrees to help his sister run her wedding planning business when she gets ill, despite the fact he really knows nothing about it. Luckily he meets the sister of one of the brides and they become buddies and she helps him with his tasks. Of course there is some sexual tension. She's not like the groupies he's used to. She doesn't throw herself at him. She has a five-year plan and he is not on it. But he won't give up. He knew the moment he saw her, that he was going to have her. There are some laughs along the way. They both do things or say things that cause a riff in their friendship and threaten their coupledom. It was easy to read, and alternates between POVs. It does jump in time quite abruptly sometimes. The characters are doing something one minute and then in the sentence, it's hours or days later without any real transition. The sexual content is fairly mild. Nothing too overly graphic. There is some language (despite her swear jar.) :D The characters are enjoyable. Not too complex. Overall it was a fun quick read.

*I received a copy of this book from NetGalley.