A review by nonna7
Night Fall by Frank Smith


There's something really wonderful about a British police procedural. There's very little violence although the descriptions of the bodies can be excruciating. A skilled author says more in a few lines than a lesser one can say in a page. Frank Smith is new to me although he's been writing for a long time. He's one of those skilled writers who packs a lot in a small package.

This slim 216 page volume features spare writing that is both atmospheric and evocative. Since I've come to the middle of the series, I'm at something of a disadvantage in not knowing some of the history behind the main character, Neil Paget.

We meet him at a time when there have been a lot of changes. Paget's new boss, Detective Superintendent Amanda Pierce, not only took the job that it was expected he would get, but they have a troubled past together because she was once married to now deceased brother-in-law. She walks into an ongoing investigation of a horrendous murder. Soon other murders follow with no clues and nothing that seems to link them.

This is an excellent series. I'm going to have to play catch up, but it will be fun to do so!