A review by wildwhuck
The Shadow Wand by Laurie Forest


Elloren got on my nerves so badly in the book. I'm tired of her acting weak and scared. It's one thing if she was scared and trying but for a good 95% of the book she would barely try to control her magic. And by the time she did she couldn't even access it without killing herself!

I've always been partial to Lucas even though I like Yvan. The author made some interesting choices in the love triangle. I'm hoping she commits to the dramatic confrontation and not avoid it by killing one off.

I don't remember much about Lucas family. So when they died it wasn't as impactful as it could have been.

I didn't care for how the book started with other narrators. I didn't remember half of them and I was lost why they were relevant. I almost DNF but Elloren took over the narration for the majority of the book. It was also weird when the author would change point of views in the middle of a scene. This may not be a problem reading the book but it was confusing listening to the audiobook. Maybe the audiobook narrator wasn't as skilled in distinguishing character voices.

Over all once the point of view was mainly Elloren I enjoyed the story.