A review by poachedeggs
Are You Experienced? by Jordan Sonnenblick


I love Sonnenblick. I know next to nothing about the 60s, Woodstock and Jimi Hendrix, but he transported me to that era and made me care - not just about the boy who was zapped 45 years back to the past (from 2014) to meet his teenage father and uncle, but also about the awesome talent and wasted potential of the great singers who lived fast and died young.

Time travel is used here mainly as a device to place Rich Barber in the 60s; beyond some casual musing about the butterfly effect and
Spoilerthoughts about sacrificing his own life (birth) to save his uncle from a heroin overdose
, there really isn't anything else philosophical or technical about time travel in this novel. So readers who go in expecting an SF novel, shouldn't.

This is, instead, quality YA for those who can't resist simple yet enduring messages being transmitted via the wry voice of the male adolescent - Sonnenblick's specialty.