A review by alyram4
Lady Hotspur by Tessa Gratton


I have seriously major issues with this book, and I can't in my right mind recommend it as of now. I felt nothing for these characters. Absolutely nothing. The writing was very off and just seemed to have trouble with tone and setting all throughout. It's a loose retelling, so I didn't expect it to be very similar. There is genderswapping that I was excited about, and that in itself was pretty well done so props. There's a lot of saying and not showing in the book though. Extensive dialogue and descriptions about people, places, history etc. It all seems overwhelming and it never truly comes together into a cohesive piece. It just felt like something to make the book even longer than it should be. In the end, if I don't like the characters or even get to SEE them interact as they're described, well it just sort of makes me feel like I wasted my time. I rely a lot on characters to make a book enjoyable for me, and this one just didn't do that for me. Others may absolutely love this book, but I wasn't a fan unfortunately.