A review by jr1323
Heart Strings by Melanie Moreland


Charlotte, Lottie to her friends, works tirelessly at Prescott Inc., her fathers business. Even though she hates her job she does it out of obligation. Lottie feels like she has to be someone she’s not to make her parents happy. But what about her happiness?
Everyday Lottie rides the subway home so she can see him. Montgomery Logan plays his guitar everyday in the subway station. It is the one part of Lotties day that she enjoys, that she lives for. His music makes her feel, helps her unwind, and relaxes her.
When Logan first saw Lottie he knew he needed to help her. He saw the stress she carried and the unhappiness. When he started playing his guitar it was for her, and he came back everyday just to see her.
Their relationship and love is fast and unexpected. They are so sure of each other and the happiness they feel when they are together. Nothing can tear them apart, not even Lotties parents who don’t approve. But Logan is just what they all need to bring them back together and heal old wounds.
Such an amazing story! Quick easy read that will leave you wanting more.