A review by thenovelbook
A Boldly Daring Scheme by Lynn Messina


Although I'm not the biggest fan of fiction written in the present tense, and although this was sometimes so verbose as to slow the story to a snail's pace, I did very much enjoy getting a mystery from the viewpoint of Bea's cousin Flora.

Flora has shown signs of being interesting in previous books in this series, but here she really comes into her own. Loved the prickly relationship with Mr. Holcroft, too... the non-suitor who danced with Flora once at a ball and left her with a less than favorable impression. When he's the first person to notice Flora going about her investigation in a seedy part of town, he's not about to let her off the hook. A protector she needs and a protector she shall have.

It's a good idea to have read the previous books in the series to understand the character dynamics and back stories.