A review by michalice
Puck: (A Twisted Lit Novel) by Kim Askew, Amy Helmes


Going into Puck I had an idea of what to expect from this writing duo. I've read and enjoyed the previous Twisted Lit books. I like how they are a modern day spin on Shakespeare's books, and that you don't have to have read or enjoyed his books before reading these. My only experience of Shakespeare was in English class in high school, many years ago.

Puck picks up pretty quickly as we join Puck in the middle of being removed from her foster home, to be taken on a mysterious ride to DreamRoads camp. A camp in the middle of no-where, designed to kick her butt into gear and rehabilitate her. What makes this even worse for Puck, is that she is placed there by her foster parent, and she isn't very happy about it and makes her opinions well known. But what Puck thinks is hell on earth is soon to be overshadowed by the upcoming days, where the camp goes into the wild

Puck was a book I fell into straight away. Puck is a character you either love or hate, and I did have mixed feelings about her, those feelings changed with what was going on at the time.

Leaping to my feet, I scream like a winning game show contestant. (You snooze, you lose.) "I did it! Oh my god, I actually did it!" I squeal

As a character she definitely stands out and sticks in your brain. Or more like a thorn in your side, especially to Barb who runs the camp.

Barb was someone who I disliked, and now looking back I wonder if I was influenced in someway by Pucks feelings towards her, that Puck's disliked overshadowed other things about Barb we don't see. It's not until near the end of the book that I actually changed my mind about Barb, the same time as Puck.

The characters in the book are unique in thier own way. Each one stands out as an individual, but also works well as part of the group. I loved their nicknames and attitudes and how they interacted with Puck, and each other.

There are lots of ups and downs throughout the pages of Puck, and we go an a real journey with Puck as she tries to deal with what is going on, as well as her own issues. I liked that we do see some history with Puck and learn how she ended up at DreamRoads Camp.

Final Verdict
Puck was a quick read for me, but one that I really enjoyed. I love how descriptive the book is, not only for the characters but also the surrounding area, and if it wasn't in a camp I would love to have seen the beauty for myself. The ending wasn't what I expected, but I like the twist.