A review by bargainsleuth
Caddie Woodlawn by Carol Ryrie Brink


For my complete review, visit www.bargain-sleuth.com

Caddie Woodlawn was right up there with Laura Ingalls Wilder books when I was growing up. After all, the book told the story of a girl growing up in pioneer days in Wisconsin, my home state. After I’d exhausted the Little House books and watched the 1970’s TV show religiously, my school librarian, Miss Francour, recommended Caddie Woodlawn and pointed out that it was an award-winner, too.

Caddie Woodlawn is a book about a loving family growing up in rural Wisconsin at about the same time as the Laura Ingalls Wilder books. Three of the siblings in the family, including Caddie, do everything together and I love that tight-knit bond that’s forged. Much like Ingalls Wilder’s books, Caddie is based upon the author’s real-life family stories of growing up a “pioneer”.

If you’re looking for an interesting book during settlers’ times and want to open a dialogue with your children about the treatment of Native Americans throughout history, Caddie Woodlawn is a strong contender.