A review by lizzycatslibrary
Nightfall by L.J. Smith


I was so incredibly disappointed with this book. I hate to say it but it feels like LJ saw the success of Twilight and decided to try and revive her series through a badly constructed version of the lovey dovey crap I can't take. The first 200 pages were like nails on a chalkboard. Honestly, I don't really see any need for Elena as "spirit child" and the whole ridiculous lovey dovey love love talk. It made me want to roll my eyes about 100% of the time.

When Elena returned to her "normal" self the book overall was confused at best. There was no flow to the writing at all and the subject matter was just lame and horribly cliche. I hated that my favorite character from the previous books was ruined. Honestly I hated all the portrayals of the characters in this book. She should have just stopped at three books. I don't think I am going to continue on with this series. This last book was enough crap forever.