A review by tormerritt
The Last Thing He Told Me by Laura Dave

Did not finish book. Stopped at 39%.
DNF... I noticed several issues with this book from the start. First, how completely unbelievable and ridiculous it is. The characters and writing are bland, and I felt at several points in the book, that the dialogue was unnecessary and just filler. In the very beginning when her husband goes missing, why doesn't she call the police and report it, if she truly doesn't know what is going on and was worried? Isn't that what any person would do? Instead she finds out about events related to her husband in a news article, but doesn't think to inquire anywhere for further information? I know this is fiction, but come on... 
 I felt no emotion from the main character or the daughter. Also, when detectives just randomly show up on her property because nobody answered the door.... What? If you have any ounce of knowledge about investigations/laws, you'll be baffled at how unrealistic this is. Too many issues with this book for me to continue with the story.