A review by idratherbereading542
Lover Eternal by J.R. Ward


Read Count: 2

- Main Couple: Rhage(vampire/dragon shifter)/Mary(human then immortal)
- POVs Included: (will add later)
- Book Playlist (Black Dagger Brotherhood Series Playlist)


Doing a re-read after 12 years. And I gotta say, I did not like Rhage and Mary in this book as much as I did the first time around (although, just to be clear, I like them both better once we get to their second book, The Beast -- they are both much better in that book).

I liked the side POVs in this one more than the first book, especially Bella and Zhadist (who are my favorite BDB couple). I actually liked Mr. O’s POV a bit too, which was a surprise. Usually I don’t like the lessers POV’s, but Mr. O kind of breaks the mold when it comes to the lessers. He is pretty interesting (in a sick and twisted way, of course) despite being a lesser.

Now where the problem lies is with Mary (and to a lesser degree Rhage).

Mary is probably the most self-loathing and self-depreciating heroine I’ve ever read. Boy does she have a low opinion of herself. For the first half of the book she cannot fathom that someone as wonderful and perfect as Rhage could actually like her. She sees herself as plain, ugly, and unworthy of anyone else’s attraction or love. I get the feeling and all, but reading about it constantly is so annoying. Finally she comes around, but by that point I’ve already lost so much respect for her that I still can’t stand her.

Now, Rhage is a little better, but not by a whole lot. They are certainly made for each other because he is also very self-loathing. He can’t stand his beast curse and feels like he is basically a piece of shit and unworthy of anything good because of it. Again, he finally comes around with Mary’s help, but by then I already had a bad test in my mouth for him.

Despite the main couple being annoying, the book still goes along at a good pace and I still enjoyed it, which is saying quite a lot actually. How did Ward manage to make me still like the book despite the main couple being so unlikable? I don’t know. But I still enjoyed the book.

One other random thing that annoyed me was the lack of on page resolution with John and Mary. They meet and have this friendship connection which eventually leads them to the Brotherhood. But after Mary meets Rhage, they basically go their separate ways in the story. I would’ve liked a final conversation to take place between them for some closure in that storyline.

In all, the book is not my favorite in the series. It had a lot of potential when they first met, but less unnecessary self-loathing would have gone a long way towards making this book more enjoyable.

ORIGINAL REVIEW (9/22/2010):

The second book in the Brotherhood series is about Rhage (a.k.a. Hollywood), and he's definitely a hottie. I certainly enjoyed reading about him, learning more about his demon inside, and reading about his romance and growing love with Mary.

Although I loved the first book and the way Beth and Wrath's romance started so passionately and quickly, I have to say that this one is more realistic in the timing. They didn't actually have sex until knowing each other for awhile.

Although, my theory is, being that they give into their animal instincts and all that, I think that's why they sense their "mate" or "shellan" almost immediately.

It almost even seems that way with Zsadist and Bella too, but he's fighting it more than the others. Speaking of which, I liked hearing just a little bit more about Zsadist's story. I'm looking forward to hearing more about what makes him tick and how Bella can heal him in the next book.

I liked Mary's character in this book and I really liked Rhage. I think it ended so beautiful and happy for them so that's always a plus. I was getting a little sad there for a bit. I was almost hoping that the Scribe Virgin would turn her into a vampire for the long life span and being able to feed from each other. But the eternal life thing is pretty darn good too. :)

I kind of wish that Wrath and Beth would have been in it more. I know that this is Rhage's story and all, but Beth had just one line and Wrath only a few more. It's hard to imagine that they live in the same house but didn't talk to them very much, and I still want to know about them too.

I gave the book four stars because even though it was very good, I was partially reading for the romance scenes and even though some of them were really good, they weren't quite as detailed and there weren't as many as the first book. I don't know, maybe I just expected more detail. They were still good though, don't get me wrong.

Anyways, I'm really pumped up about hearing about Zsadist and Bella's love story. That one is going to be really interesting I think.