A review by daydreamer0626
Reluctant Disciplinarian: Advice on Classroom Management from a Softy Who Became (Eventually) a Successful Teacher by Gary Rubinstein


This was a great book if you are a troubled and struggling first year teacher. It gives some great advice and helps you realize that you are really not alone. He recounts not only his first year but his first couple years and really tries to help you learn through his mistakes. And it is a fairly quick read too (he adds some humor to it as well so you end up getting a good chuckle or two).

I'll let you know though, this isn't a book that is all about advice (and that's not why I bought the book in the first place). Teaching takes a lot of planning and really takes a toll on teachers emotionally and mentally. You really start to believe that "Oh my classes are so bad, I bet no one has classes as bad as mine". Even when other teachers tell you they have been there, you still have doubts. I was really glad to see that a lot of my issues were issues noted in the book (since I'm a grade A softy as well). The book helped me more emotionally than strategically like other books that give advice and that's exactly what I was looking for (I already have plenty of other books to be read that give advice)

So if you are a struggling teacher and are finding your first couple years to be more stress than you bargained for, before you think of quitting, give this book a read. It really helped me :)