A review by leahegood
Captives by Jill Williamson


I'll start this review by saying that, while I enjoyed this book, I do not recommend it to everyone. More specifically, I DON'T recommend it to kids and younger teenagers. I DO recommend it for older teens. Keep reading for an explanation.

The themes presented in this book are excellent. The main characters are kidnapped into a society that pretty much embodies all the worldly selfishness currently destroying our country. I loved the moral courage shown by Levi, Mason and Shaylinn in standing up against the self-serving draw of the world they are thrust into. The book never even thinks about becoming preachy, yet the call to be set-apart from the world and follow God rather than ease is clearly expressed. It can be read simply for entertainment, but if you take the time to think about the implications of the characters actions, there are many lessons to be learned.

The reason I don't recommend it to younger readers is because of some of the subject material. The main characters--all citizens of Glenrock--are kidnapped into this culture--the Safe Lands--because the population is being killed off by an illness called the thinning disease (I think it's sort of like AIDS). Because the citizens of Glenrock don't have the disease, the Safe Landers are wanted to produce babies. Because this is central to the story, reproductive processes are at the forefront of many scenes. While the author handles the topic tastefully, that's why I recommend this book for older teens only.

If you are an older teen and are okay with that type of subject matter, this is a great, thought provoking, and entertaining story and I recommend it. I know I'll be buying book two when it comes out.