A review by ellejayz
Dangerous Tides by Christine Feehan


I struggled with the rating of this book for some time. In a way I don't think I enjoyed it as much as I did any other 5 star book but I felt like I couldn't give it any less.

I had some major issues with it though, and it's a testament to Feehan's writing and the Drake Sisters' Series that I still ended up really enjoying with it.

First off, Tyson. You absolute twat. The whole point of his character was that he couldn't socially interact like a normal person and people did think he was a total twat. That is fair enough, and I love how he slowly developed as a character but I just couldn't get my head around how Tyson and Libby were together. Although at times in romance books of all kind you must give characters a little bit of leeway, I just couldn't understand why she spent more time with him. Again and again he was downright horrible to her and her family (the one thing all the sisters love above anything else) and she STILL went back for more. Libby, you are a smart girl, WHY would you give this idiot a chance? In saying that, Tyson grow on me like a fungus and by the end of the book I was very much enamoured with him.

Secondly, this book started extremely slow. I mean, there was a whole 10pages or more dedicated to a helicopter scene which was beyond boring, but once you get past that it goes back to what you expect from Feehan.

SpoilerI called the entire Sam thing about half way through the book. I thought it was highly obvious and I kept wanting to slap Tyson for being that slow. Also the bit at the end where he let go to save Sam - erm. NO. Sorry. I couldn't buy that for a second.

Even with these 3 issues, I still really enjoyed the book. There was plenty of drama and romance mixed with the general sisterly moments which I really enjoy. There did seem to be more dialogue in this book and I did think that pages on end of random conversations where never going to end, but I did enjoy it very much.