A review by kathhreads
Dumbing Us Down: The Hidden Curriculum of Compulsory Schooling by John Taylor Gatto


Definitely a very interesting book, with some very interesting and valid points of view and ideas.

I'm not American, and this book is about the american school system. Now, I've read a little about the state of schooling in the US, and definitely believe there should be reforms to the current system. Its too focused on numbers, grades (because society deems it to be necessary), and it could definitely use a more personal, mindful approach in educating children. For example, I think making community service a requirement in schooling is brilliant.

At the same time, this book spends a lot of time demonizing television, and glorifying family life. TV is not the big monster here. And family is incredibly important, but in this current day and age, both parents need to work to earn a living, and schools are important in providing a safe space away from abusive households.
Also, America a secular society? No, it isnt.

I love the idea of going back and finding theories and practices of centuries past and wanting to apply them now, but our world is ever-changing and its completely different from Colonial New England. Not to say we cant take inspiration, but expecting it to work now is a fool's gamble.

This might be the longest review I've ever written sorry

PS. lots of spelling errors, my computers space key doesnt work