A review by momwithareadingproblem
If You Happen to Have a Dinosaur by Linda Bailey


This book is super cute! If You Happen to Have a Dinosaur written by [a:Linda Bailey|186774|Linda Bailey|https://d202m5krfqbpi5.cloudfront.net/authors/1284365252p2/186774.jpg] and illustrated by Colin Jack is a guide for the uses of dinosaurs. Giving instructions on how to use your dinosaur in case of rain or if in need of a pillow this book with it's beautiful illustrations expands on the imagination of little ones, especially little ones who love dinosaurs! My three year old loved this book! Giggling at the things this book says to use your dinosaur for (like an umbrella or mowing your lawn). This isn't an educational book by any means, simply a book to expand on your child's creativity. My only complaint was the random ending. It ends with now if you happen to have a kangaroo....what does that have to do with dinosaurs? Even my son looked at me like I was nuts when I read that last line. I think it would have been better suited with something you would do at the end of the day like bathing or going to bed. But that's me. Otherwise, this is a sweet, short story that can make a great bedtime or anytime story!

I received an eARC via Netgalley from the publishers in exchange for an honest review.