A review by shanayahreads
The Boundless Sublime by Lili Wilkinson


Actual rating: 3.5 Stars
Full Review Here

The Boundless Sublime was such a wild ride, it delved deep into the world of cults and was interesting and insightful. It certainly started off strong, jumping right into the action.

Ruby was a relatively strong protagonist, although at times I did get quite annoyed at how she was acting. I felt as if she wasn’t thinking properly and I wanted to grab hold of her and talk some sense into her!! Cults are seriously terrifying things and I really wanted her to think things through. Some of the things that happened sent up serious warning signals and I couldn’t possibly believe that Ruby would go with them. I felt it was kind of hard to empathise with Ruby, as her character felt quite distant.

At some points I felt the story was too out there in the way that everything moved so quickly, like Ruby’s emotions toward the cult and Fox & Ruby’s relationship. I didn’t really like how he was the reason for a majority of Ruby’s decisions. Regardless, Fox was easily the best part of the book, as a character he was so adorable and naive and he must be protected at all costs!! Although I did cringe a little every time he (and everyone else) called the leader “Daddy”. No thank you.

I haven’t really read any other cult books, so I’m not too sure how this would stack up in terms of how believable it all is, but then again, it is a fictional book, so this issue isn’t really a biggie.

There was a lot going on in the book, and I didn’t really know what was going to happen next, so that was quite interesting! I felt so many emotions throughout the story and as the book went on, I actually found myself second-guessing the foods and drinks around me, so serious kudos to Lili!! I was quite surprised at how easily those thoughts snaked their way into my daily life haha.

I was quite curious to see how things would end up working out after the final event, and I did feel a little let down with the ending, as I still had questions unanswered. I do realise this review sounds relatively negative, but honestly I did really enjoy the novel regardless of the minor issues I had.

I received a review copy from the publisher

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