A review by lifeofaliterarynerd
The Faerie War by Rachel Morgan


War has arrived in the Fae realm. With it brings destruction, suffering, and a new threat. Overwhelmed by pain and loss, Violet takes an experimental potion to forget. And she does. Violet remembers her name but nothing else. She’s lost her place in this world overrun Draven’s evil, but Violet has an important part to play in the fight against evil. When someone from her past shows up with an ancient prophecy he thinks related to Violet, she must fight to remember who she is and what her place is in this new world.

This book is the most heart wrenching we’ve seen in the Creepy Hollow series. Violet had experience so much pain and loss that she feels she couldn’t possible cope. She loses not only her memories, but herself. Violet is softer living Underground with the Reptscillians. She has a family now, a community to protect and accept her. She becomes a new person by learning about her past from the Reptscillians.

Spoiler When Ryn shows up, he’s devastated. He feels betrayed and hurt and angry. The two had finally come together, overcoming such a charged past, that Violet choosing to forget about all the good- in addition to the bad- pierces his heart. But through Violet’s memory loss, we see Violet and Ryn connecting in a completely new way, where Ryn unabashedly pursues Violet and helps her reconnect her present to her past.

Despite to overabundance of “Chosen Ones” and “Prophecy fulfillment” tropes that exists in fantasy genre, I thoroughly enjoyed the storyline used here. During the quest, we meet many new character, all of whom are engaging, lively, and beautifully connect with characters we already know and love. I also appreciated that while Violet wasn’t the “Star of the high land” who could stop Draven, she is integral in fulfilling the prophecy.