A review by cavityfila
Shield of Winter by Nalini Singh


I just love this world that Singh has created. Her books make very key observations about human nature. The need for emotion, touch and laughter, the need to indulge your basic instincts, the capability of the human mind in all its facets. Such great writing and poignancy under the cover of a paranormal romance novel!

I loved Vasic and his emotional awakening in this book is a joy to watch. Vasic and Ivy, both, are new to relationships and to see them fumble their way through is sweet, sexy, and heart-melting.

One of my favorite things about the last few books in the series is that a lot of the major characters from previous books show their faces again. They have to join together to help solve the global Psy-net conflict, and its great to see your favorite characters again and again. I especially love Lucas and Sasha, who we see a lot of here, and even get a snippet of Hawke and Sienna, who I also love.

My only criticism is how technical the story gets at times about how the psy-net works and how to fix it, etc. So many theories are thrown around, that I just wanted her to get to the meat already. But with that said, I really enjoyed this installment. I'm looking forward to the next one already. Maybe Aden's book?