A review by low_vely
Seek & Find by Beatrix Hollow


Before the monster romance genre exploded, Beatrix Hollow was out here giving us weirdos what we were craving, book boyfriends that walk the fine line between scary villain and romantic hero and I love her for that! This series wrapped up with a plethora of monstrous fellas that would make any monster lover squeal including my boo, Mothman. Beyond heroes we can love, Beatrix has a talent for weaving tales that enthrall you, but also make you debate taking midnight bathroom trips without a nightlight.

The threads of plot through this series were intense, from old family dynamics to ghosts to cults, I wasn’t sure if this final book would manage to wrap it all up. But of course, I should never have doubted Beatrix! Seek & Find maintains the same spooky vibe of the first two books and perhaps even more tension as the fight with the cult escalates. Alongside that, readers are witness to the chaos of new relationships as Ava and her harem work out their roles and address feelings for each other. That process is rocky for sure, but also enticing if you’re into morally gray boys working out tension, which I absolutely am. I am pleased as punch with this final book and love that Beatrix left it in such a way that she could revisit and give us more, if she were so inclined. If you made it this far in the review, you are really wasting time you could be spending with Ava and her fellas, so go ahead and grab the book and jump in!