A review by coysquirrel
A Literary Education: Adapting Charlotte Mason for Modern Secular Homeschooling by Emily Cook


I thought this was a pretty decent introduction to homeschooling for the secular crowd. I was extremely excited when I saw that a book had been written specifically about implementing a secular Charlotte Mason approach, as most CM books (as well as homeschooling books in general) tend to have a heavily evangelical bent. However, before you head into this book, be aware that the author is not promoting a purely Charlotte Mason style and would be classified as more “eclectic.” This does not detract from the usefulness of the book, though. I found that this book was quite short and gave a very quick overview of what a homeschool could look like and some tips for teachers. I wish that there had been more content. If a reader finds themselves interested in in this style of schooling, they would need to seek out much more information on the subject or read Charlotte Mason’s own writings. I was also disappointed in the amount of editing errors in the Kindle version of this book. It seems as though a bit more review would have been in order, especially for a book promoting home education.