A review by kinetics
Recursion by Blake Crouch


A 3.5 star rounded down rather than up, because I think this book gets a tad more praise than it deserves - and obviously my 3-star won't drag it down too much.

The plotline and main conceit is intriguing, the story is action packed, but I still couldn't help but feel like it could have been more. Despite established character histories, I found the two leads to be rather shallow in personality, their actions serving the plot without a lot of insight into them as three (four? hehe) dimensional people.

I also found a lot of the dialogue to be completely unnatural and/or corny, despite the way that Crouch writes, which seems geared toward TV/film adaptation. I'm not sure whether the style is intentional or not, but it's definitely there, and while it makes for an exciting action packed book, the dialogue often didn't sound natural at all.

I was asked several times during my read-through what I thought, and my opinion went from "slow" to "holy shit" to "I'm not... sure?" I felt like the end was satisfying, though, and it was definitely worth the read - I did finish it in a day, after all. I just didn't come away from it raving like I was hoping I would.