A review by debs_shelves
Book Boyfriend by Dawn L. Chiletz


Another Chiletz book that I absolutely LOVED! She has a way of making her characters so real and relatable, that you can't help but love them!

Greer has come off a marriage that left a bad taste for men in her mouth. It has also messed with her writing and she's struggling to write her next book. She goes off on a little beach getaway hoping it will get her mojo going! And it works - but maybe it's not her writing mojo (IF you know what I mean!).

Fisher runs into Greer on the beach. Literally! Sparks fly and we definitely see something. Then poof - Greer heads home.

Her writing mojo returns and her book is a smash. And what comes next is a fun game of cat and mouse!

A fun, flirty romance!