A review by greeniezona
The Incredible Unlikeliness of Being: Evolution and the Making of Us by Alice Roberts



Sort of an impulse purchase, as I hadn't heard anything about this book, but a book about evolution with the improbability of it leading to <I>us</I> as the frame rather than the teleological "people as pinnacle" simplification was an easy sell. Evidently it was an easy sell to my kids, too, as I put this on the bedtime story shelf and one of the kids picked it out.

I love including science non-fiction into family story time, and this was mostly at an appropriate level for our crew (one 10, one 14/15 at the time.) There were a few parts that got a little dry/theoretical, but the diagrams helped. My youngest did get squeamish during the discussion of the development of sex organs, but we all survived.

I hadn't really done much reading on embryology -- on just <I>how</I> an embryo transforms into an actual human, so there was even more new information for me here than I expected.

A fascinating read.