A review by parklandmom
Lane Steen by Candace West


Stars: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ (5 stars)
Read: May 2024
Format: Kindle e-Book
Challenge Prompt: CNL’s #39 of 50 - “With forgiveness as a topic or theme” AND EOW’s “a book set on a farm or as a major location” for the “read anytime in 2023” option — different farms in this book

Book #47 of 2024: I’ve wanted to read this novel for a while but I had no idea how much it was going to impact me. God’s mercy, forgiveness, and wisdom have a deep presence in this book.

In a way, this novel has three parts. It starts off in Arkansas, then New York, and back to Arkansas—all within a couple of years. Each part is significant to the story. It is a journey of growth. I teared up countless times in both the heartbreak and the celebratory times. I highlighted so many passages on my Kindle e-Book.

This book reminds me of Little House on the Prairie but with much more pain and heartache. The feisty spirit of Lane reminds me of Laura, though Lane’s childhood is anything but happy, familial bliss.

So many moments filled my reader’s heart with such emotion. I think anyone can relate to parts of Lane, with or without knowing harsh physical abuse or kidnapping—which I thankfully don’t.

Without saying too much, there is a point in the story where she makes an extremely difficult prayer for someone she harbors hate for. I’ve been in those shoes and I saw God’s blessings some time later, just as Lane did.

I enjoyed this book from beginning to end. I strongly recommend it. Be prepared for it to touch your heart, convict you, and encourage you to live your life in gratitude.