A review by thebookdance
The Names They Gave Us by Emery Lord


That's what this book was.
From beginning to end.
Spoiler It portraits such a nice message, I just wish it was a bit longer, I wanted to see how her mother's situation would evolve, and see everyone until the last day of camp.
I really loved the story, I'm glad I decided to read it after a recommendation from my favorite booktuber, she usually has the same taste as me on contemporary books.
It's such a nice idea to have a camp for people who are going through a bad time, I believe that in reality things wouldn't go as smoothly, but it's the thought that counts.
I LOVED the friendship between the counselors, they were so important to each other and valued their friendship a lot. I think it's really awesome. And I loved all of them, and how they were all so completely different but so great together.

And of course that Lucy and Henry were bound to happen, all those times in that room talking or he was reading and she was playing the piano. I loved it.
And how she helped all those kids in a way, it was wonderful that she was able to teach that girl how to swim. And I wasn't expecting her mom to have been at camp before, much less that she and Brian had a kid and gave her up for adoption? That was big, I wish we got to know her though. I liked her mom, she was funny even while sick, I wish the book ended with her free from cancer.

I really liked the whole 'religious' aspect of the story. I'm not religious in the slightest but I do like to learn about it even though I'm not sure it I believe in God or not, I guess it's nice that there are people who do believe.
I can't wait to dive into more Emery Lord, because now that she's on my radar, I have to check out the rest of her work.