A review by wrenlee
Homecoming by Kass Morgan


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As someone who has read the books and watched the series, I'll try to not compare the two. Know this, though. I prefer the show. But that won't affect the review.

I liked Wells. He really took charge. He was brave and strong. Even with pain, he gets through it. He is a good leader. I know he is. He is a strong person. Even when his father is assumed dead, you still see him fighting for justice. He keeps going, not letting anything get him down. He's a great character. Wells is a great role model.
And Clarke really stood out in this one. She wasn't whiny. She was the romantic interest. But she isn't just that. She's the medic as well. With all the injuries, you can see her medical professionalism. But. We have her teacher coming in as well. And he sort of trumps her. But...she can keep her calm. She can be brave and rescue people.
Bellamy isn't the best. He seems to be ignored in this book. But he's a strong guy. A tough guy. I don't see why he isn't mentioned more. He's on the run half the time he's mentioned and locking lips with Clarke the rest of the half. He's willing to do things for Clarke and Wells. He could have been better if he had no cuffs on his wrists. If he had been free, he could have been better.
Glass...is ignored as well. She is in the book, mostly the beginning. But, as usual, she really isn't given a voice. She is caring. I like that. She cares for Wells, Clarke, and Luke. She is a big sweetheart. That's a downside because she loves the animals that she has to eat. (Which might turn our sweet Glass into a vegetarian.) But she has a big heart which is a good thing.

The ending is okay... I wasn't really into the ending.
I like the bittersweet way it happens. It's good in that way. Bittersweet isn't the best unless you have a good ending. If you have a good ending, you can get away with bittersweet.
This ending is good. The way you don't have that many questions. You do wonder about the parents. And you wonder a little about the relationships. (Like how Wells is going to cope. He's strong. But he's gone through so much loss.) But you're happy. You're happy for the characters. They got a happily ever after. Which is great. I won't deny its greatness.
But there seems like there is another book coming along. I don't want to read another book. It's not entirely a cliffhanger. But it sort of is.
The introduction of the parents. I feel like that really is leading on another book. And, as I said, I don't want another book.

There wasn't a whole lot of plot. Not many things happened. It wasn't interesting at least. The plot had action. But it wasn't fantastic. I've read better.
The plot was a bit dull. Not enough fighting. We had the Earthborns who were all too nice. To my surprise, Glass got the most specialized Earthborn attention from the attack. There were other attacks as well, but those were to groups. The Colonizers were the enemies. But they weren't. There wasn't a lot of drama happening. The original hundred accepted the situations they were in. They just took it in stride and let it happen.
I felt like the action was the only good thing in the plot. We had some good fights. Some good tension. The characters are good at fights. They are a cunning group that can fight and defend. And they do both in the last fight. I admire Wells's quick-thinking and good strategy. Without him, the rogues would have definitely won.

The romance. It felt like everyone was pairing off. Sasha and Wells. Bellamy and Clarke. Glass and Luke. I was surprised when young Octavia didn't end up with a fetching young man. Haha.
The romance isn't good either. I don't think so at least.
Sasha made Wells happy. Which isn't a bad thing. They were okay. I didn't particularly like the two together. They were just okay as a couple. I didn't see chemistry. They simply kissed a lot.
Bellamy and Clarke. They're cute. They've been shipped together for a long time. They have chemistry. Which is important to me. Bellamy makes Clarke this sort of...kitten. Clarke can be tough, but she's more calm with Bellamy. Bellamy subdues her. He makes her laugh and smile. Which is adorable. These two would do a lot for the other. (I won't go as far as say anything. But Clarke 'kidnapped' Bellamy and brought him to a safe place. Which is great.)
Glass and Luke...not as cute. I mean...they have past. They have some chemistry. They do work. A little. I don't like them in this book, though. This book doesn't show a lot of their relationship. We don't see their relationship at all really. I feel like this relationship was ignored.

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