A review by dlberglund
The Name of the Star by Maureen Johnson


I was under the mistaken impression that this was historical fiction, taking place during the 1880s when Jack the Ripper did his damage. It then colored my reading somewhat to find it was actually modern paranormal fiction. Huh. Shift gears.
I liked the book, and thought that most of the people and places were well described and developed. One exception for me was the main character's roommate Jazza, who lost a dimension after the girls receive a third roommate. She just got flatter and flatter, after such a promising beginning.
I was unhappy with the ending as well. While it ends, it definitely gives itself away as the first in a series.
The story felt unique. It was an idea that I hadn't read before, didn't feel like a copy of the newest fad, and didn't feel overdone.
By the end, though, I had to take off a star in my rating because it was a little too violent for me. Duh, Jack the Ripper and all that, but...I couldn't read the book at night, and wanted to fast forward through some parts on the audiobook. People with more of a true love of horror will appreciate this book more than I could.