A review by blodeuedd
Cowboy SEAL Homecoming by Nicole Helm


At first these two had such a problem that they were step siblings, and before you go all euwwww hear me out. They did NOT grow up together. She came into his dad's life when Alex had gone to the military. He did not even know her last name and they had spoken a few times. I was all you are not related! Why are you guys even finding an issue with this? But hey, maybe that was just an excuse, because these two have issues.

Ok, so Becca does not have issues in that way. She has just been very sheltered by her mum and she has never really done anything. But she loves the ranch and she now owns half of it (Burt! Srsly! What if they had hated each other?! Battles when it comes to that can be so hard.) She is finding her way and I liked how she did that.

Alex, oh man, he has issues. He is the leader. The strong one. The one that tells himself he is ok. Nothing wrong here. Nothing at all. He came out of the war with not a single problem except for that bad knee. Like seeing death and destruction is something that does not affect you. I started to feel more and more for him.

They meet, they fancy other (and go all wtf?!), she learns how to stand up for herself. He learns how to let go. But it sure is now dance on roses, well if it is all the thorns are there and it hurts a lot. These cowboy seals are not coming home all happy and untroubled.

I enjoyed it

I liked her voices and they made me smile. She was pleasant listening too and did a good job with narrating this story.