A review by xanthe87
Whisper by Garrett Leigh


Having read and loved Skins #1, I had high expectations for #2 and I was not disappointed. Though we never are by Garrett :-)
Harry needs some time away from London to finish writing his book that he's on deadline for and his brother points him towards Whisper farm in Cornwall. Though I'm sure he never quite expected the world that he fell into.
Joe is struggling with keeping the family farm/horse sanctuary afloat. Little to no donations, low income and more horses needing a place to stay every day. Between him, his mother and sister and a couple of helpers they muddle on through but by the skin of their teeth. Emma takes the initiative to rent out the room they have standing empty to help with some income and thus, Harry arrives.
Two men from very different worlds but finding support in each other, what could possibly go wrong.
Garrett builds such an involving world, you fall straight into the story and are pulled right along with the characters about their wants and fears. Both men have a history with their fathers that has impacted their lives, as well as family that they sometimes struggle to connect with. What Garrett does so well is show that having flaws, fears and vulnerability is not a bad thing. It's human nature but by also having love, care and attention it's balanced out to create a great life and partnership.
I adore Joe and his complete commitment to the horses they receive, even when struggling with what they already have. It's not often a male character is given such attributes.
One of my favourite things about this book is the setting - Cornwall, South West England. Such a beautiful place to visit and I can perfectly visualise the whole story and I love the way that Garrett writes their speech, use of the word mate throughout so I know I'm reading a book set in England.
Harry is a complex man, with his business and online presence of holistic physiotherapist but with his own demons it takes a while to work him out. As we go through the story, both characters unfold and work together, giving insight at relevant moments and enhancing the experience for the readers.
I love the secondary characters that are involved. Emma and Sal, Joe's sister and mum, bring such love, support and a little friction. Dylan, Angelo and Rhys, Harry's brother, all from book one have cameo appearances to link us to book one. It's nice to hear from them and have them included even if in small roles, giving us a little insight into Harry's London life.
I cannot recommend this book enough. Any fans of Garret know how brilliant her books are and this one is right up there with them!
I received an ARC of this book and am happily giving a review.