A review by sunshine_librarian
Kisses and Croissants by Anne-Sophie Jouhanneau


Kisses and Croissants, by Anne-Sophie Jouhanneau, was a delightful read. I loved the characters and Paris was the perfect setting. What made it different from other YA rom-comes was the intensity of a summer ballet program. I truly felt immersed in the world of ballet, almost with as much passion as Mia.

Mia attends the prestigious summer ballet program in the hopes of scoring an audition with ABT at the end of the summer. Her nemesis, Audrey, also attends the program, and they end up as roommates. While Mia tires to focus on ballet 100%, two things pull her focus: a family legend that her great-great-great-great grandmother was painted by Degas and a cute French boy named Louis. Mia has to figure out what is truly important to her. I don’t want to give away any spoilers, but there is, of course, a twist.

Let’s just say that I want to be Mia when I grow up. Her passion and zest for life struck a chord with me. I can’t wait to recommend this to my students. And I can’t wait to go get a croissant.