A review by aldersons
Paparazzi Princess by Jen Calonita


Family Affair's ending is getting closer and closer and Kaitlin still hasn't decided what she wants to do after the show is over. Kaitlin's family and friends are pushing her in all sorts of directions and she's not sure what she wants. On top of the career trouble, she's also had a big fight with her best friend, Liz. Then Kaitlin meets two of Hollywood's biggest party animals. Hanging out with the girls seems like fun at first, but is it really worth all the drama?

When I saw this in the bookstore the day it came out, I just had to have it. It sat on my bookshelf for a couple of weeks, but once I started reading I was hooked. I've been a big fan of this series for awhile now and this installment didn't really disappoint. I only have two complains. One is that I was expecting more drama involving partying and the paparazzi, since the title IS called Paparazzi Princess. Two is that some of the moments in the book were too cheesy, even for me.

Overall, I thought it was a very solid book in this series and I can't wait for the next one.