A review by purpl3_vix3n
From Ashes by Molly McAdams


I only gave it three stars for a couple of things. One, NO ONE WANTED TO COMMUNICATE!!! Seriously what the hell? Your best friends is lying about you behind your back and it's not like you're living a distance away. No, they were living together and everyone decided not to talk or ask questions. My second issue was how obsessive Tyler was. Dude seriously what is your problem? My third is that where di this officer come from? I mean really? You met her once when someone called the cops and another after what happened with her mom and all of a sudden your into her. This book made me very angry but I was happy how it ended. This is what a book is supposed to do. Make you laugh, sad or angry. Just because I gave it three stars did not mean I hated it. I liked it but I didn't love it.