A review by jerrica
Vandover and the Brute by Frank Norris


This is an unfinished manuscript of Norris's that was published posthumously. The book has marks of that; some descriptions and monologues of characters go nowhere. Norris LOVES describing a place down to its minutest detail, so I wonder if he had more time he would've cut down on a few of them. I skimmed many of them without missing out on much.

This is a DARK book about one man's degradation into animalistic madness through the syphilis he got sleeping with prostitutes. Moral of the story: Life sucks, but don't sleep with prostitutes. Like, it might seem cool and all when you're hanging out with your Harvard buddies but actually you'll get an STD and your "friends" will rob you of your fortune and then you'll really be in a pickle, man.