A review by allingoodtime
Hometown Cowboy by Sara Richardson


4.5 stars

I almost didn’t read this story. Really, I was so tempted to skip it. It often seems the books I’ve been waiting on from the library (both online and brick and mortar) all become ready at the same time. I just have so much I have to get through that I don’t want to end up back on the waiting list for any of them after waiting so long. This story was actually attached to another story I read. For some reason, the copy I got of Luckiest Cowboy of All included both that one and this one. Sara Richardson is a new-to-me author and, although the blurb about this story piqued my interest, I just have too much on my docket. But I’m also bad at leaving books unfinished. So, although I finished the story I intended to read in this book, I couldn’t leave this story unread since it was included in the same book. To sum up this long paragraph, I wasn’t going to read this story but I’m awfully glad I did.

Jessa has such a huge heart. You could even say her heart is a bit gullible. She’s a full-on romantic so tends to romanticize everything around her. Not just in her own life, but also in the lives of those around her. The author wrote her in such a way that she never teetered over into the realm of ditzy and unrealistic though. She is just a very kind and generous person who wants to see everyone around her happy.

Lance has a lot of baggage that he’s never really tried (or cared to) work through. As far as he’s concerned, he has all he needs. Bulls to ride and his family ranch he shares with his father. Why open his heart up only to be disappointed down the road? When he has an itch to scratch there are plenty of buckle bunnies ready and willing to help him out. Although, he doesn’t even care about that so much anymore.

Even though these characters have known each other for years, it’s been in a peripheral way. Their fathers were best friends, but Jessa only spent summers in town while growing up and she is a bit younger than Lance. For his part, Lance was never one to while away his time hanging out with his brothers or their younger friends. In his mind, his past dictated that he take care of business so he pretty much kept everyone around him at arm’s length.

Once these two are thrown into each other’s orbits the sparks fly. Their first real conversation is pretty hilarious, even while being completely embarrassing for Jessa. But the chemistry cannot be denied, even when they both try so hard to ignore the fire.

Read my full review at https://allingoodtimeblog.wordpress.com/2018/07/16/hometown-cowboy-book-review/