A review by jazzyjan94
William Shakespeare's Get Thee Back to the Future!, by Ian Doescher


This review appears on my blog: https://confessionsofabookwormweb.wordpress.com/2019/10/04/book-review-william-shakespeares-get-thee-back-to-the-future-by-ian-doescher/

I am one of those weird people that enjoys reading Shakespeare’s works, and watching movie versions based on his works (except Romeo and Juliet, but maybe I need to give Baz Luhrmann’s version another chance, after all it has been almost 10 years since I’ve seen it). My fondness for Shakespeare is so much so that I even took a class in college solely dedicated to the bard’s works, in this class I was introduced to works I had never heard of like Titus Andronicus, but also revisiting some favorites like the Merchant of Venice, as well as watching several movies based on his works.
Even though it has been sometime since I’ve read some of Shakespeare’s works, I’d often seen Ian Doescher’s Star Wars plays written as if Mr. Shakespeare himself had written them – I have yet to read one of these all the way through, but believe me that I will be doing so very soon. And then perchance by some work of fate I was at Barnes and Noble that was having a sale for the end of summer, and there among the other books part of this sale I came across this little volume, William Shakespeare’s Get Thee Back to the Future. While there were other books that caught my eye, I knew I couldn’t pass up the opportunity to add this humorous and genius work to my collection, especially since I am familiar with Back to the Future.
And now, after a somewhat lengthy introduction, here are my thoughts on William Shakespeare’s Get Thee Back to the Future. I loved it. I read it in a span of 24 hours. I laughed and gasped at certain moments, there were some lines from “Back to the Future” that are even funnier when written in iambic pentameter and in Shakespearean English. I echo what some other reviewers have said, 1) I want Ian Doescher to come out with Shakespearean versions of the sequels to Back to the Future, and 2) if Universal Studios would allow it, this needs to be performed on the stage, someone needs to do a stage production of Get Thee Back to the Future as soon as possible!
There is not much else that can be said about Get Thee Back to the Future, especially since many are already familiar with the plot of Back to the Future, and that is basically what this book is, the script of Back to the Future, but written as if the bard himself wrote it. I loved the nods to not only the original movie, but I also appreciated how there were also references to some of Shakespeare’s works, I can’t remember which ones right now, but there definitely some one-liners from them. It was a delightful treat! I highly recommend Get Thee Back to the Future for unpretentious fans of Shakespeare, fans of Back to the Future, and/or anyone that enjoyed Ian Doescher’s Shakespearean treatment of the Star Wars movies. 5/5 Stars.