A review by teaandlibri
Carrying Albert Home: The Somewhat True Story of A Man, His Wife, and Her Alligator by Homer Hickam


I'm not familiar with Homer Hickam but thought the premise seemed hilarious. Man agrees to take his wife to Florida to return the alligator, which was a gift from an old flame. Along the way they encounter many interesting individuals and characters, some friendly, some not. Some famous, many not. And we watch this couple as they make their journey, both physical and emotional.

That's about it. According to the author this story was told in bits and pieces by his parents. Often out of order and probably becoming increasingly ridiculous and that comes through in the tale. Initially it's amusing and you have to wonder why his father would agree to this whole thing and why his mother was so insistent on physically returning the alligator. But after awhile it becomes repetitive in the sense that perhaps it's the same basic story with a different telling each time.

Maybe it was just me and not having any familiarity with Hickam at all (never heard of him prior to coming across this book). But if I had to guess I'd say this is one of those old family stories that are perhaps a private joke between the parents and gets retold every once in a while with increasingly ridiculous circumstances. Then it becomes a legend told to the grandchildren at the holidays or at other times. Great for those who actually KNOW the people involved but not really all that interesting for outsiders who are not familiar with the characters.

Even if taken as a work of pure fiction it still wasn't very good. The writing just wasn't all that interesting, especially as the characters seemed flat and one-dimensional. That there wasn't much character development really made me feel like this was a story told and retold by the parents just cutting and pasting certain details into the narrative.

I wanted a lighter read but this was extremely tedious. If you're familiar with his other works then maybe it's something that would be of interest but other reviews seem to disagree. Borrow from the library.