A review by moonbites
Rebel Rose by Emma Theriault



I have such a love-HATE relationship with this book, but let me make it clear that I do not claim this version of Belle whatsoever! Let me preface this review by saying I am an adult Disney nerd, so I may have been a little too invested in this book. Belle is also my favorite Disney princess so I am was extremely hopeful and excited, because this isn't just one of the million retellings out in the wild, it's a what happens next with Disney's stamp of approval since they helped publish this. So my feelings of excitement I feel are more than justified.

I actively hated on and simultaneously was enthralled by this book, that's why my rating is smack dab in the middle. Belle's character was literally the only thing I hated in this book. And I mean HATED. Which was a huge let down, because 1) I picked this book up because of Belle & 2) The story is ALL about her so...

Many other reviews have echoed this, but she was extremely selfish and self-centered. I get that maybe she needed to grow, but her growth did not have to be so out of left field. The story revolves around the theme of listening to your instincts especially if you are a woman being told no. That's awesome, and headstrong is good (that's Belle) but self-centered is bad (Belle in this book).

I highlighted passage after passage of instances where Belle was so dislikable. I think it was especially evident because of the juxtaposition between her character and Lio (aka the Beast). Lio was kind and supported Belle above anyone else. Like he makes some decisions and listens to Bastien (who wants to help and has knowledge about the court might I add unlike Belle) that some may argue he didn't always listen to her. BUT, IF she said "No listen to me I have a feeling about this," he would have dropped everything and been like "OK." Some quotes will be added at the end of my review if you would like to review the receipts.

When Belle doesn't extend those same supportive courtesies it's off putting. Towards the last 80% of the book she starts becoming a bit more supportive of Lio, but I wonder where was that energy in the beginning of the book??? I mean if she would acknowledge her lack of support at the end, then maybe I would be singing a different tune but she doesn't really. I mean they are married and supposed to be in love. So, if Lio is giving his 100% to her why is she only giving 50%. So frustrating. She also keeps secrets and is so whishy washy.

She is the single handed most annoying character in the book. I also rewatched the Disney movies to see if she was like this and guess what...NO. She is headstrong sure, she does things how she wants but she is still kind and thinks about others i.e. her father, the beast, and the people in the castle (Lumiere, Cogsworth, etc).

The whole book is about her not wanting to be royalty. Despite marrying Lio and living in the damn castle she refuses a title because of the responsibility and this feeling that it will cage her. Lio supports her and let's her do what she wants. That's all fine and dandy, but then Belle has the audacity to call the kingdom hers... like what???

One last thing I was thrown off by... why the fuck was the dog called Chou in here? The dog's name is Frou Frou. Was that a teaser for Mulan and the Chou/Zhou dynasty? If so why did you name THE DOG Chou. So offensive in my opinion. But, I may be blowing that way out of proportion because I am not Chinese, so I would like to know if anyone else cares.

OK here are the things I liked about this book, that saved it from being a 1 star:
-Bastien is awesome he is so damn dynamic and I loved reading about him
-Lio is a supportive and kind and that made him down right sexy in my opinion
-Marguerite is badass and a true example of being strong and independent
-The library
-The historical elements were FANTASTIC, loved the French Revolution making up the conflict of the story
-The writing. I will admit Emma Theriault is a damn good writer...baaaaad judge of character(read in the Grinch voice)
- The overall theme of being true to your self and following your instincts to meet your goals
-The last 20% of the book

OK rant over read further for quotes that PISSED ME OFF
(Spoilers mostly redacted only some story stuff added for context no major plot points)

"Lio still looked princely standing there among them, shooting her apologetic glances when he could, knowing she was probably tallying all the absurdities she’d been made to endure thus far. He owed her. She had half a mind to demand he present her with another library for her troubles." - She was at a party. I get it I am an introvert too but really...a library??? Also, the next day she refuses to go with him to Versailles despite him practically begging her.

"She despised the artifice of it all. Celebrating the [REDACTED] with members of Europe’s aristocracy did not feel like a step toward protecting her kingdom." There she goes saying it's her kingdom

"Maybe it was time to be honest with Lio about everything she had done and seen in his absence. Maybe she was ready to tell him about[REDACTED]. Maybe she was ready to ease the burden from her shoulders so they could share it, as they had shared everything else. It wasn’t right to assume he couldn’t handle it. Lio had handled much worse, and together they had defeated the curse once before." Spoiler...She DIDN'T... another instance of being whishy washy.

"Belle was assuaged by that, though she bristled at the thought of merely being Lio’s voice. And yet she couldn’t explain her reaction. She had rejected the titles that might have given her a voice of her own, but that didn’t mean she was powerless." So she is cognizant of being this way but really doesn't change her tune, whishy washy

"She faked a cough in Bastien’s direction as she left the room, relishing the way he flinched from her." Petty AF and CORONA makes me so disturbed by this

"Lio wouldn’t see her point of view, especially not when he valued Bastien’s counsel over hers." She literally thinks this when he has never given her any reason to doubt him

Here is Lio's sexiest line & moment:

“Belle can do whatever she pleases. If anyone has a problem with her, they can answer to me.” She was sure no one else would notice how, in anger, his voice still slipped into something akin to a growl"

“We have been forced to lie to the world; we cannot lie to each other.” “I know,” she started, but lost the words when he brought his hand to her cheek. “You have seen my darkest moments; don’t ever try to spare me yours.” He sat beside her on the mattress. “Come, tell me everything.”

Even Bastien was speaking facts to Belle, making her look like a total ass:

“I recommend walking this earth burdened by the notion that most anyone can surprise you. It will make your life easier."

“I’d caution you not to judge a whole group based on the actions of the violent minority."