A review by nicolepeck
The Bone Seeker by M.J. McGrath


7/16/14 - Won this on Goodreads.

8/12/14 - Received this a week plus ago.

11/19/14 - Took me a while to read this book that I won here on Goodreads because it's in a series and I have this OCD thing about reading books in a series out of order and it took me a bit to track down the first 2 books, so my library only had the 1st book and, again, that OCD thing, so I had to find the 2nd one so I could read them in order. LOL However, that said, I'm really glad that I won this book and that I was able to read the 3 (so far) books in this series. I'm a huge fan of mysteries and this is different than the more "popular" mysteries out there.

The title is a red herring, at least it was to me, and it ends up there are 2 different but connected plots going on. It'll be interesting to see how far with this series the author is able to go in such an isolated setting (though, yes, the 2nd book took place in Alaska and this one took place in Derek's Kuujuaq instead of Edie's Autisaq, where the 1st one took place). I also keep thinking the author's going to steer Edie and Derek into more of a relationship, but Sammy keeps being a strong part of her life and they don't, after all, live in the same town. I had hopes for more at the end of this one when Derek asked her something, but Edie squashed those hopes pretty quickly. As much as I don't like the cold and as isolated and desolate the Arctic sounds, these books make me want to go there and see the environment and scenery Edie and Derek live in, although, I freely admit, I don't want to eat their food (blood soup anyone?).

Well written, entertaining, thought provoking, and extremely interesting.

Content: Some intense situations but nothing violent or graphic. Strong language in some spots (F bomb).