A review by shubba_the_emo_reader
Beautiful Disaster by Jamie McGuire


Originally Posted: http://totallybookalicious.blogspot.co.uk/2012/09/book-review-beautiful-disaster-by-jamie.html

All I have to say is WOW! That is it! I honestly I have no words that can describe just how much I adored this book. I will try but be warned I may ramble and not make sense. So here goes..............

Usually when there is a lot hype around a book it rarely lives up my expectation. However, Beautiful Disaster is without a doubt one the best I have ever read. I was completely blown away by this. I had been told on many ocassions to read this book. And I have no idea why it took me to so long. I was hooked from page one.

Beautiful Disaster is one of those books that get right under your skin. The Characters are unforgetable. The chemistry between Abby and Travis is what makes this story so awesome. It's so intense and at times dark that just makes it so refreshing compared to a lot of relationships in book these days. And on a personal level I could really connect with these characters because at times during this book I felt like I was reliving a past relationship that was also very intense like Abby and Travis's relationship.

Now I have read a few reviews that talk about the "abuse" in this book. I want to know what book these people were reading?? Seriously? Travis is an intense person and has a lot of issue yes but abusive? God no! To me Travis comes across as this tough guy to everyone but with Abby there is a really soft and sweet side to him that makes me melt. Abby I adore. She is a strong character and isn't afraid to put Travis in his place. The two of them together is explosive and thrilling. They are a "Beautiful Disaster"

I am not going to get into the plot because there is no way I can do that without spoilers. All I will say is that the story is exciting and crazy. Takes you on so many emotional rollcoaster's it makes your head spin.

Jamie McGuire I want to marry your mind!! Her writing is completely flawless. She keeps you guessing as to what will happen next and how the story will end. Which was pretty awesome.

If you are looking for something that will keep you up until the wee hours of the morning then please give this ago. You will not be disappointed!! Beautiful Disaster is also a perfect example on what a crossover novel from YA to Adult should be like.